How To Write A Good Letter Of Continued Interest

How To Write A Good Letter Of Continued Interest

Writing a letter of continued interest can be a crucial step in your admissions process, whether you are applying for college, graduate school, or a job. This letter allows you to express your continued interest in an opportunity, update any new achievements or relevant information, and reaffirm your commitment to the organization or institution. With a well-crafted letter of continued interest, you can make a compelling case for yourself and increase your chances of securing the desired opportunity. Here are some tips to help you write a good letter of continued interest:

1. Begin with a personalized greeting:

Address the letter to the appropriate person or department. If possible, find the name of the individual responsible for admissions or hiring. A personalized greeting shows your attention to detail and genuine interest in the opportunity.

2. Express your gratitude:

Start by expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to apply or interview. Thank the recipient for considering your application and taking the time to review your qualifications. This sets a positive tone and shows appreciation for the opportunity.

3. Recap your qualifications:

In the next section, recap your qualifications and accomplishments that make you a strong candidate. Briefly mention any relevant experiences, skills, or academic achievements that align with the role or program. This helps remind the recipient of your strengths.

4. Highlight new achievements:

If you have accomplished anything notable since submitting your original application, mention it in your letter. This could include new certifications, awards, or additional experiences that demonstrate your continued dedication and growth. Keep this section concise and focused on the most relevant updates.

5. Reiterate your interest:

In this section, emphasize your continued interest and enthusiasm for the opportunity. Explain why you are still interested in the specific program or position and how it aligns with your goals. Be sincere and passionate in your words to convey your genuine commitment.

6. Address any concerns:

If you are aware of any concerns or weaknesses in your application, use this letter to address them. Provide a brief explanation or clarification to assure the recipient that you have taken steps to address those concerns. This shows self-awareness and a proactive approach to overcoming challenges.

7. Reinforce your fit:

Highlight any additional reasons why you are a perfect fit for the program or position. This could include specific courses, research opportunities, or unique aspects of the organization that align with your interests and goals. Show that you have done thorough research and understand the value of the opportunity.

8. Maintain a professional tone:

Throughout the letter, maintain a professional and respectful tone. Avoid using slang or informal language. Proofread the letter multiple times to ensure it is free from grammatical or spelling errors. A well-written and polished letter demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail.

9. Conclude with appreciation:

In the final paragraph, express your gratitude again and reiterate your desire to stay in touch. Thank the recipient for their time and consideration, and let them know you are available for any further discussions or updates. End the letter on a positive note.

10. Follow up:

After sending your letter of continued interest, it is important to follow up appropriately. Give the recipient some time to review your letter, and then follow up with a polite email or phone call. Inquire about any next steps or provide any additional information if requested. This shows your proactive approach and interest in the opportunity.

Writing a strong letter of continued interest can greatly influence the decision-makers involved in the admissions or hiring process. It provides you with an opportunity to showcase your continued enthusiasm, qualifications, and dedication. By following these tips and maintaining a professional tone, you can write a compelling letter that sets you apart from other candidates and increases your chances of success.

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