How To Write A Good Letter Of Continued Interest

Letters of continued interest are an essential tool for individuals who are still interested in a specific opportunity or position, despite receiving a rejection or being placed on a waitlist. These letters give applicants a chance to reiterate their interest, update the recipient on any relevant developments or achievements, and reinforce why they are an ideal candidate. Crafting a compelling letter of continued interest can significantly improve your chances of being reconsidered for the opportunity. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps to write a good letter of continued interest.

Step 1: Address the letter appropriately

Start your letter by addressing it to the appropriate person or department. If you have been interacting with a specific individual throughout the application process, address it to them. Otherwise, use general terms such as “Dear Admissions Committee” or “Dear Hiring Manager”. A personalized salutation can help create a positive impression and show your genuine interest.

Step 2: Express your continued interest and gratitude

In the opening paragraph of your letter, express your sincere appreciation for being considered initially. Politely state that you understand the competitive nature of the opportunity and the difficult decisions involved in the selection process. Clearly convey that despite the outcome, you remain passionate and determined about pursuing the opportunity.

For example:

Dear Admissions Committee,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for considering my application to [Program/Position]. I understand that the selection process is challenging, and the committee has difficult decisions to make. Despite receiving the unfortunate news of not being accepted this time, I would like to reiterate my unwavering interest in [Program/Position] at [Institution/Company].

Step 3: Highlight any relevant updates or achievements

One of the primary purposes of a letter of continued interest is to provide updates or share any significant achievements since your initial application. This could include academic accomplishments, relevant work experiences, or any new certifications or awards you have received. The idea is to demonstrate growth and progress, emphasizing that you have continued to excel and become an even stronger candidate since your original application.

For instance:

Over the past few months, I have been able to further develop my research skills by working on a groundbreaking project in [related field]. This experience has not only deepened my understanding of [relevant subject matter], but it has also allowed me to collaborate with world-renowned experts in the field. Additionally, I recently presented my findings at an international conference, which further solidified my commitment to pursuing a career in [field/profession].

Step 4: Reiterate your fit for the opportunity

After highlighting your updates or achievements, shift the focus towards reinforcing why you are an ideal candidate for the opportunity. Make connections between the skills, experiences, and qualities you possess and how they align with the requirements and values of the program or position. Be specific and provide concrete examples to support your claims.

Here’s an example:

My passion for [field/profession] has been a driving force throughout my academic and professional journey. The combination of my strong analytical skills, extensive research experience, and dedication to creating meaningful impact align perfectly with the goals and mission of [Institution/Company]. Furthermore, I strongly believe that the collaborative nature of [Program/Position] will allow me to contribute actively to its diverse community, fostering innovation and driving positive change.

Step 5: Restate your commitment and request consideration

In the closing paragraph of your letter, reiterate your commitment and explain why you believe the opportunity or position is the perfect fit for your aspirations. Express your enthusiasm for the chance to contribute to the program or organization and explain how it will help you reach your long-term goals. Finally, kindly request reconsideration or ask for an update on whether any additional materials or information would be helpful to provide.

For example:

Thank you once again for considering my continued interest in [Program/Position]. I am genuinely inspired by the work being done at [Institution/Company], and I firmly believe that [Program/Position] can offer the ideal platform to further develop my skills and contribute meaningfully to the field. If there are any additional materials or information that would aid in your reevaluation process, please do not hesitate to request them. I am committed to seizing any opportunity to demonstrate why I am an excellent fit for [Program/Position].

Step 6: Conclude with a professional closing

End your letter by using a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards”, followed by your name and contact information. Ensure that your name appears both typed at the end of the letter and, if you are sending a physical copy, in your signature.

Here’s an example:


[Your Full Name]

[Phone Number] | [Email Address]

Writing a good letter of continued interest requires careful thought, a positive tone, and the ability to clearly articulate why you remain passionate about the opportunity. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of being reconsidered and potentially securing the position or admission you desire.

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